An oil lamp with a glass chimney and perforated metal lid to protect the flame from high winds; candlestick with a glass chimney.
Examples for "hurricane lamp"
Examples for "hurricane lamp"
1A match flares and lights up the wick of a hurricane lamp.
2The vapors given off by the hurricane lamp were stinging them.
3Natalie, seated within the glow of her hurricane lamp, turned towards the sound.
4The yellow glow from the hurricane lamp made the shadows deep.
5She led the way, carrying the hurricane lamp with her.
1Inside, the eight cubicles held each a woman, a bed, and a hurricane lantern.
2By careful inquiry in the outer Hut he finds an ice-axe, crowbar and hurricane lantern.
3He barely managed to grab the hurricane lantern an instant before it toppled onto its side.
4Immediately above them, where the boats were beached, a man was coming down the slope, carrying a hurricane lantern.
5From a spot visible down-stream but invisible to the men in the boat, he signalled constantly with a hurricane lantern.
1Pretending to deal cards again, Randolph had moved one hand close to the storm lamp.
2He switched on the storm lamp, and the copper-lined room was filled with rust-colored shadows and shiny-penny light.
3At teatime it's quiet around this handsome navy-painted place, with wooden tables and storm lamps outside.
1After a couple attempts, the old storm lantern flickered to life.
2See that the storm lantern is there, filled and lighted.
3A storm lantern hung from a hook on the wall.
4At the hut George said he would fetch the storm lantern from his bedroom for them.
5A blue-white glow began to manifest around us, unconnected to the storm lantern or any other obvious source.
6He opened the heavy trap-door that led down to the cellars and lit an old storm lantern he kept handy.
7George came back along the path with his storm lantern held at shoulder height, his shadow running like a river behind him.
8Old storm lanterns were hung about the tunnel.
9Storm lanterns burned paraffin.